Excellent offering of dairy cattle today! Top cows 3000, 3000, 2800, 2800, 2700, 2650, 2500, 2450, 2450, 2400, 2400, 2400, 2400, 2400 Justin Zimmerman, Thorp. 2950 Weaver, Colby. 2800 Jason Brubaker, Thorp. 2400 Larry Brubacker, Stratford. 2400 Marlin Horst, Thorp. 2400 Matthew Horst, Owen. Cows with multiple cmt’s or long days open selling at butcher price or slightly above.
Holstein springing heifers continue to be in high demand. Schmitz Family Dairy 24 springers 2000-2725. 13 other consigned springers 2000-2700. Short bred hfrs 1500-1900. Open hfrs 1.60-2.09 /lb. Holstein heifer calves 350-425/head.
Choice and prime Holstein steers 1.57-164.50. Market bulls 1.20-1.35
Holstein bull calves 85 lbs and up 510-655 per head. Beef cross bull and heifer calves 85-110 lbs 750-930 per head.
80% of market cows sold 1.00-1.23.
Another record amount of hay and straw on offer this week. Top quality 3x4x8 western alfalfa 180-220. 3x3x8 western alfalfa 90-120 with one load at 135. 3x4x8 western grass 170. Rounds and squares 1st and 2nd crop grass 65-90. Semi load 3x3x8 Canadian wheat straw 60. 3×4 western wheat straw 80-85.
Just shy of 1150 head sold this week!!
Thank you all buyers, sellers, and truckers!!
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