by John Oberholtzer | Jun 26, 2023 | Market Report
Big enough to make a difference; small enough to care!! Sold well over 1000 cattle this week again. Thank you buyers and consignors!! Considering where milk prices are, good dairy cows are selling well. Many good cows sold 1350- 1950. Top 2800, 2500, 2200 Kris-Del...
by John Oberholtzer | Jun 16, 2023 | Market Report
Big enough to make a difference; small enough to care! No frost on the pumpkins here but sure chilly for mid June! Top dairy cows today 2250 Jonathan Horst, Loyal. 2200- 2150 Peter Malovrh, Athens. 2100 Hugh Hale, Holmen. Many good cows 1350- 2000. Springing Holstein...
by John Oberholtzer | Jun 12, 2023 | Market Report
Big enough to make a difference; Small enough to care!! Recently someone asked, why is it that a slight tax increase ends up costing $200, but a substantial tax cut saves me 37 cents?! Not as many top quality cows today. Many dairy cows sold 1050- 1800. Top 2050, 2050...
by John Oberholtzer | Jun 4, 2023 | Market Report
Big enough to make a difference; small enough to care!! As long as I can remember June has been called Dairy month. Now I see they also call June pride month. The Bible is clear, God hates pride. Top dairy cows continue to sell well. 2700 Urie Yoder, Abbotsford. 2225...
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