Market Report 12/5/24 Loyal

An excellent run of dairy cattle this week! 148 dairy cows mostly 2000 to 3350 with a top of 3600. 100 heifers, springers selling from 2000 to 3200. Bred heifers 1800 to 2200. Open heifers 1.82 to 3.80 cwt. Group of Carl Nehm Registered heifer calves 108 to 220 lbs....

Market Report for Monday 12/2/24

760 Head sold on a market that showed stronger on all classes of livestock. Beef cross calves sold mostly 800 to 895 tops of 910. Holstein bull calves topped at 650 with main run selling 540 to 600. Holstein heifer calves sold 350 to 440. 46 lambs 85 to 90 lbs. 2.05...

Market Report for 11-21-24 (Loyal)

Dairy cows are in high demand for good quality! Top cows 2800 to 3600. Still some good useable cows 1700 to 2400. Poor quality cows lower with beef price not supporting the bottom end. Holstein springing heifers 2500 to 2975. Short bred heifers 1900 to 2400. Opens...

Market Report for Monday November 18 (Thorp)

243 Fed cattle. Top beef 187.50. Top Beef x Dairy 180. Top Holstein 166.50. (32) Head 1.85 to 187.50. (37) Head 1.80 to 184.50. (67) Head 1.75 to 179.50. (27) Head 1.70 to 174.50 (15) Head 166.50 to 169.50. (8) Head 161.50 to 1.64. (19) Head 1.40 to 1.55. Beef cross...

Market Report for 11-7-24 (Loyal)

Another nice run of dairy cattle on hand with prices on good cattle continuing very strong!! Top end of cows selling 2700-3350. Plainer cows mostly 2000-2500. We had an exceptional lineup of Holstein springing heifers from several reputation consignors selling from...