Big enough to make a difference; small enough to care!!
As long as I can remember June has been called Dairy month. Now I see they also call June pride month. The Bible is clear, God hates pride.
Top dairy cows continue to sell well. 2700 Urie Yoder, Abbotsford. 2225 Wilson Brubacker, Stratford. 2100, 2100 Michael Martin, Colby. 2000 Loren Hoover, Withee. Many good cows 1450- 1850.
Springing Holstein heifers 1350- 2100 NT. Opens 1.10- 1.40 with light weights up to 2.12/lb. Single birth Holstein heifer calves 25- 170/ hd.
Breeding bulls 800- 1500. Market bulls 105-123.
Choice Holstein steers up to 166 this week with beef cross up to 173.50. Feeder cattle market continues strong with Holsteins up to 1.75 and 600 lb cross breds up to 2.15.
Holstein bull calves 150- 375 with a top of 395/hd. Beef cross calves topped at $600 per head early in the week with majority of calves selling $350- $575
Good butcher hogs 45-57. Sows 23- 27. Boars 10-14.
20% of market cows sold 107- 123. Top 127. 50% sold 87- 106.
3x3x8 Alfalfa grass mix 135. Rounds and squares lower qualitygrass hay 35- 45.
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