Big enough to make a difference, Small enough to care!!
Another one of those days that I thought we’d have a short run but the drive-ins kept coming and we ended up with 422 head. Thank you all sellers and buyers!!
Not so many top cows today. Many average quality cows today. Many average quality cows 1350- 2000. Top 2700 Willard Brubacker, Edgar.
Springing Holstein heifers 1550- 1800. Open 95- 1.30/lb. Single birth Holstein 65- 130/head.
Breeding bulls 950- 2000. Two head sired by Triple Hil bulls , 1315 lbs. polled, red carrier, & A2/A2, $3100 each! Consigned by Larry Ringler, Stanley.
Choice Holstein steers 136- 148, beef cross up to 153. Holstein feeder steers 105- 135. Beef up to 1.92. Holstein bull calves mostly 200- 330, top 335 Marcus Nolt, Stratford. Beef cross bull and heifer calves 330- 490. Top 490 Linus Nolt, Willard & Brooks Farms, Marshfield.
Butcher hogs 49. Light sows 47.50. 100 lb lambs 1.55/lb. 29 lb kids 45/head.
20% of market cows sold 92-103. Top 1.05 James Weaver, Colby. 50% sold 74-91.
3x4x8 Alfalfa 220- 250. 3x3x8 Alfalfa 90- 125. Rounds and squares grass 50- 80. One lot premium grass rounds 110. Rounds 1st crop smaller bales 35-40. Small squares grass 3- 4.50. Large squares corn stalks 45- 47.50.
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