Big enough to make a difference, small enough to care!!
Recently I asked a 27 year old to send me a check to finish a transaction. Imagine my surprise to find out he they neither have a checking account, nor any idea how to write a check! Is that some kind of “normal” or did I happen to meet a rare duck?
High quality cows sold well at our aAa sale. Top 2700, 2650, 2550, 2450 Nolan Garman, Colby. 2500, 2400 Leonard Ray Zimmerman, Greenwood. 2400 Lamar Weaver, Unity. 2300, 2200 Harry Martin, Stanley. Many good cows 1300- 2100.
Top Holstein springing heifers 1500- 1800 NT. Short bred Swiss heifers 1400 & 1500. Opens 95- 1.15 cwt. Single birth Holstein heifer calves 10- 65.
Breeding bulls 750- 1650. Market bulls 78-99.
Choice Holstein steers 128- 137. Top 141.50 Monday in Thorp. Beef cross up to 143. Holstein feeder steers 102- 136. Beef cross 115- 193. Holstein bull calves 70- 160. Beef cross bull and heifer calves 150- 350.
Sows 61- 71. Butchers 70- 90. Boars 26- 44.
20% of market cows sold 77- 88. Top 91. 50% sold 62- 76. Only 11 out of 148 cows under 50.
Large squares Alfalfa 85- 115 NT. Rounds grass 40- 70. Large squares beanstalks 25. Rounds cornstalks 30.
We didn’t make a thousand head this week but we got pretty close again. Thank you for your continued support! Remember, if you can’t make the sale, we do order buying.
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