Once again realized how fortunate I am to have what I consider to be, the best barn crew in America!
In the last 8 days we sold 1446 head. Overall markets are steady to stronger but even in the best of markets, here and there someone will feel their animals didn’t bring what they should have.
Top dairy cows today, 2300 Jonathan Horst, Loyal. 2300, 2100 Randal Yorkson, Waupaca. 2100 Kenneth Martin, Colby. Lots of good cows 1250-1950.
No Supreme springers today. Good quality springing heifers 1300-1775. Opens 90-1.20/lb. Single birth Holstein heifer calves 20- 75/hd.
Bred beef cows 1300-1850with pairs selling 1550- 2150.
In our special breeding bull sale we had 39 head mostly selling 1400-2200. Market bulls 104-112. Feeder bulls 102-145.
Sold 49 fats. Choice and Prime Holsteins 125-135. Top 137, Dorcas Raber, Spencer. Top cross breds 139, Herman Miller Jr. Spencer. Low Choice and Select 107-120.
Highlights of the feeder cattle sale was 28Fleckvieh steers 817 lbs @ 1.44 and 22 Fleckvieh steers 952 lbs @ 1.34. Holstein feeder steers 105- 130. Crossbreds up to 1.70.
Thursday Holstein bull calves mostly 80-150. Cross breds 150- 230. Monday calves were considerably higher with Holsteins topping at 270 and beef cross calves up to 350/hd.
50% of market cows sold 80-93.50 with only 3 cows under 51.
Heay sows 60.
3x4x8 Alfalfa 170-190. 3x3x8 Alfalfa 95-110. 3x4x8 wheat straw 85-90. 3x3x8 new crop grass mix 85.
Thanks again for your vote of confidence in choosing to do business with us!!
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