Consider our weather locally the last whole year and tell me climate change is a bad thing!
Better fresh cows again 1700- 2400. Top 2425 Melvin Sauder, Colby. Mid-Grade cows 1000- 1500. Fancy mid lactation Jersey cow 885 lbs, $1600.
Number one springing Holstein heifers 1250- 1475. Open Holstein heifers 65- 80 cents per pound. Single birth Holstein heifer calves 35- 85 per head.
Breeding bulls 900- 1275. Market bulls up to .78.
Choice Holstein steers and heifers 88- 91. Holstein feeder steers mostly 77- 1.01. Holstein bull calves 50 -120 per head. Crossbred bull and heifer calves 135- 200.
Sold 111 market cows. 30% sold 50- 57. Top 61. 50% sold 44- 49.50.
Sold 45 lots hay, straw, and firewood. Large round 3rd crop Alfalfa baleage 95/bale. Most mixed grass baleage 35- 60. Second and third crop grass rounds and squares 50- 75. First crop rounds grass 30- 40. Small squares first crop grass 2-$3. Rounds corn stalks 20- 30. Feed grade wheat straw 45- 50. Several spreader loads firewood 75- 85.
Thanks so many times over for all your support!!
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