Had a shorter run of dairy cows but still excellent quality! Definitely a little more of a buyers market today with very good cows selling from $1150 to $1600. Top cow $1950 consigned by Larry Brubaker Jr of Stratford. Springing heifers mostly sold from $850 to $1100. Good opens $.58 to $.70/lb.
Holstein bull calves mostly $35 to $75 per head with a top of $100. Heifer calves $20 to $45. Market cows a little lower but still selling quite well. Bulk of good cows brought $.47 to $.60/lb. Top $.6650.
Choice Holstein steers $.88 to $.95 with a top of 3 hd @ $.9575. We had more good colored fat steers than ever before and a very strong market! Choice steers $1.09 to $1.17 with a top of $1.1825. A consignment of 29 hd averaged 1365 lbs @ $1.1575. Market bulls brought $.84 to $.88/lb.
Hay market steady. Rounds and squares grass $45-$90. Square bales dairy quality up to $135/bale. Rounds bean stubble $35, excellent quality corn stubble up to $52.50.
If you have any marketing questions, never hesitate to call 715-255-9600!
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