No herd dispersals this week but a nice selection of consigned cows on hand. Good dairy cows selling 2400 to 3200 with top 2 @ 3250.

Holstein springing heifers over 1200 lbs all sold 2450 to 3150. Risser 5 hfrs avg 2980. Simonson 8 hfrs avg 2800. Open Holstein hfrs 1400 to 1950.Light Holstein heifers 6 head 281 lbs. @ 760 per head. Single birth Holstein hfr calves 350 to 425.

Light run of feeders sold steady today.

4 Angus x Hol strs 285 @ 3.95.

3 Hol strs 460 @ 2.70.

4 Red strs 629 @ 2.65.

3 Blk strs 713 @ 2.60.

3 blk strs 1032 @ 2.03.

5 Hol strs 732 @ 1.98

5 Red hfrs 783 @ 2.19

7 Hol Bulls 536 @ 1.95

Choice fed strs & hfrs 1.73 to 1.8250.

Beef cross calves 800 – 995.Holstein bull calves mostly 550 to 695. 3 Hol hfr calves 180 lbs. @ 810.

Market cows mostly 1.09 to 1.40.

3×4 Alfalfa 130 to 175. 3×4 grass (fancy) 280./ Rounds 1st crop grass balage 10 to 25. 3×3 1st crop grass 65 to 80.

Thanks to all buyers, sellers and truckers!!