Dairy cows sold steady without having any supreme quality cows.Top was a dry cow at 2475 with a number of fresh hfrs  selling 1900 to 2400.

Heifers again selling strong.Top springer was a Milking Shorthorn at 2500. Short bred hfrs 1650 to  1925. Open hfrs 1.85 to 2.03 per lb. Holstein breeding bulls mostly 1500 to 2100.Angus yearling bulls 2450 to 2650.Cow size Fleckvieh bull 2750.Market bulls 1.37 to 160.50.

Light test on feeders . 5 colored hfrs 819 @ 2.10. 5 Angus  cross hfrs 667 @ 1.95. Balance of feeders were singles and doubles mostly selling at discounted prices.

Beef cross calves 770 to 930. Holstein bull calves 500 to 625. Holstein heifer calves 425 and down.

Fat cattle selling higher  with crossbred cattle 1.76 to 1.80 and holstein strs and hfrs 1.69 to 1.78.

Market cows sold steady to strong. 50% of cows sold 1.21 to 1.44. Another 38% selling 1.03 to 1.20.

Hay and straw  sold mostly steady with very minimal availability on grass hay.3×4 alfalfa 160 to 190. 3×3 alfalfa 85 to 115.3×3 wheat straw 60. 3×3 barley straw 57.50. 3×4 wheat straw 75. Rounds grass 65. One stack of nice 2nd crop grass 3x3s 118. All hay is sold per bale.

Thank you for your business and enjoy the sunshine !!