Calves sold on a very aggressive market. Beef cross bull and heifer calves mostly 650 to 750 with a top of 790 consigned by Alvin Hoover, Curtiss. Holstein bull calves mostly 320 to 450 top 470 Paul Nolt, Curtiss.
298 fed cattle on a higher market. Beef steers and heifers mostly 1.68-1.77 with several individuals 1.78-1.84. Beef x Dairy cross 1.60-1.69. Holsteins 1.50-1.62, top 1.65. Some representative sales. Dorcas Raber Blk hfr 1402 @ 1.84. Jeffrey Oberholtzer Red str 1682 @ 1.80 and 2 Char strs 1423 @ 177.50. Moxie Cattle 10 Angus cross strs 1468 @ 1.69. John Yoder 4 Angus cross strs 1491 @ 1.69. Duane Mast 9 XBRD strs 1822 @ 164.75. Hubcrest Farm Hol str 1712 @ 1.65 and 1656 @ 1.59. Ryan Wirth Hol str 1596 @ 1.62. Dennis Martin 6 Hol strs 1605 @ 150.75.
Butcher cows sold steady to higher. Only 8 cows under 80 cents and 30% of the cows sold 1.00-1.15.
Market bulls 1.14-1.28 with an Angus bull 2178 lbs @ 1.34.
Thanks again for all your continued support!!
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