Big enough to make a difference; Small enough to care!!
Sold 400 head tonight.
New record high for bull calves with Holstein top at 600 on a R&W Holstein consigned by Marvin Beachy, Gilman. Beef calves topped at 820 and 835 both consigned by Brenda Zimmer, Owen. Holsteins 100 lbs and up were mostly 400-470. Lighter weights 225-300. Good beef calves mostly 625-750.
Sold 175 fat cattle with the top being 10 red heifers 1446 lbs @ 185.50 consigned by Conrad Smith. 2 blk strs 1394 lbs @ 1.85 from Teresa Hrdlicka. 5 mix beef strs 1608 lbs @ 184.50 from Randall Brubacker. Holstein steers topped at 1.67 with the bulk of choice steers ranging from 1.55 to 1.62.
Cows were softer with the top at 1.11 and only a few over 1.00. The bulk of cows sold 77 to 84.
Thanks again to all buyers, sellers, and truckers!!
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