Big enough to make a difference; small enough to care!!
Holstein bull calves mostly 220- 330 with a top of 370 consigned by Schofield Century Farm, Spencer. Angus cross bull and heifer calves 300-590 with a top of 610 consigned by Eugene Shirk, Owen. Minimal test on feeder cattle. Holstein steers weighing 788- 990 brought 1.51- 1.54. Choice Holstein steers 1.50 – 1.60 with 7 head 1577 @ 1.62 consigned by Paul Kubisiak, Amherst. Market cows slightly softer with the main run selling 88-1.02. Top cow was a Holstein 1842 lbs @ 1.15 consigned by Henry Burkholder Jr, Thorp. Butcher hogs 72.50-80cwt. Thank you all buyers, sellers, and truckers!!
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