Big enough to make a difference; Small enough to care!!
Proved again MO can be quite warm in late July. But as always, the people were friendly, the food was good, and thankfully someone invented A/C!!
Sold 350 dairy cows and springing heifers on Tuesday. Top dairy cows, 37 head sold 2000-2500.
Springing heifers sold higher, 1500-1900 on 1100-1350 lb Holsteins. Opens 1.25- 1.60. Single birth Holstein heifer calves 85-145/ head.
Breeding bulls 750- 1650. Market bulls 1.20- 1.25/ lb.
Choice Holstein steers up to 1.65 this week with cross breds up to 1.72. Holstein feeder steers 143- 175 with light weights up to 2.50. Beef cross up to 2.20. Holstein bull calves 200- 350. Crossbred bull and heifer calves 450- 520.
Market cows continued strong all week. 20% sold 114-123 with a top of 127. Another 50% sold 88-112.
3x4x8 Alfalfa 185. Second crop grass rounds and squares 50-70 per bale. 3x4x8 local straw 65-70.
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