Big enough to make a difference; small enough to care!!
Sold well over 1000 cattle this week again. Thank you buyers and consignors!!
Considering where milk prices are, good dairy cows are selling well. Many good cows sold 1350- 1950. Top 2800, 2500, 2200 Kris-Del Farms Davenport IA. 2200, 2200 Wilson Brubacker, Edgar.
Springing Holstein heifers 1500- 2200. Opens 1.10- 1.40NT. Single birth Holstein heifer calves 85- 175. Holstein breeding bulls 800-1400. Beef bulls 1600-2275. Market bulls 1.05- 1.18.
Choice Holstein steers 1.50 – 1.58. Cross breds 163- 176.
Holstein feeder steers 120- 180. Beef feeders 165- 259. 13 blk strs 566 lbs @ 259. 6 blk strs 572 lbs @ 256. 8 blk strs 511 lbs @ 242.50. 7 red strs 606 lbs @ 232.50. 2 char strs 683 lbs @ 220. 8 Hol strs 380 lbs @ 180. 9 Hol strs 438 lbs @ 169. 8 Hol strs 550 lbs @ 161.
Holstein bull calves 150- 270. Crossbreds 360- 470. On Monday in Thorp Holsteins 160- 380 and beef cross 400- 615.
20% of market cows 90-117. 50% sold 77-89. Early in week 35% sold 1.00- 1.25.
3x4x8 new crop Alfalfa 205-215. 3x3x8 grass 65-75. Low quality grass rounds 30-45.
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