Big enough to make a difference- small enough to care!!
Saw an ad… Ditch Witch ditcher for sale, has several teeth mithing.
If you have equipment to sell on our February 28th auction it’s high time to get it listed!!
Was a buyers market today. Top dairy cows 2300 Jonathan Horst, Loyal. 2300 James Zimmerman, Platteville. Many cows 1300- 2000.
Springing Holstein heifers 1250- 1650. Top 1675 Edward Horning, Stanley. Opens 95- 115 on light test. Single birth Holstein heifer calves 10- 65.
Breeding bulls 800- 1400NT. Market bulls 74-87.
Choice Holstein steers sell Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 129-138. Beef steers up to 146.50. Holstein feeder steers 92-136. Package 20 head 994 lbs @ 129. 6 head 774 lbs @ 131. Beef calves 135- 220.
20% of market cows sold 75-86. 4 head 91- 1.00. 50% sold 60-74
Sows 47-60. Butchers 55-77. Boars up to 26.
Hay market stronger. 3x4x8 Alfalfa 120- 165. 3x3x8 Alfalfa grass mix 90- 150. Rounds grass 40- 65. Rounds and squares premium grass 70-85 top 100/ bale. 3x4x8 wheat straw 80-102. Rounds oat straw 40. Small squares grass 2.75-4.00.
We have order buying available, also trucking available to anywhere if a road goes there! Thanks again for all your business!!
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