Big enough to make a difference, small enough to care!
Dairy cows sold steady. Tops 2450, 2400, 2400 Matthew Horst, Owen. 2100, 2100, 2000 Breezy Hill, Fennimore. Many good cows 1350- 2000. Top Jersey 1800 Enos Swarey, Woodman WI.
Springing Holstein heifers 1300- 1775. Opens 95- 1.15. Single birth Holstein heifer calves 15- 70.
Breeding bulls 900- 1600. Market bulls 88- 1.16.
Choice Holstein steers and heifers selling Monday and Wednesday in Thorp, Thursdays in Loyal. Continued strong market! 134- 143, beef cross up to 146.
Holstein feeder steers 1.05- 1.40, light test. Holstein bull calves 65% 80- 165. Beef cross bull and heifer calves 150- 390.
Sows 88- 93.50. Boars 48- 60. Butchers 90- 1.03.
27% of market cows sold 90- 99.50. Top 99.50 Glenn Nolt, Owen and Loren Lueck, Chippewa Falls. 50% sold 70- 86.
Hay market steady to lower. 3x4x8 Alfalfa 160- 175. 3x3x8 Alfalfa grass mix 75- 90. Rounds and squares grass 35- 60. 3x3x8 oat straw 27.50- 40.
Looking forward to continuing doing business with you!!
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