by John Oberholtzer | Sep 21, 2021 | Market Report
People good at making excuses usually aren’t good at much else. Market mostly steady. Top certified organic cows $1700- $2000. Conventional Holstein cows up to 1725. Top Fleckvieh cow 1725. Springing heifers 850- 1300 NT. Open heifers 75-95. Single birth...
by John Oberholtzer | Sep 14, 2021 | Market Report
If the top 1% pay over 40% of all income taxes and the bottom 90% pay less than 29%, why so much noise about the 1% not paying their fair share? Markets pretty steady throughout. Top dairy cows today 1650 with several Jerseys up to 1300. Many good milk cows 900- 1300....
by John Oberholtzer | Sep 7, 2021 | Market Report
Who knew so many people are in the market for a bridge?! I wish more people were in the market for dairy cows, still a buyer’s market. Top cows 1500- 1850. Lots of plainer cows 900 and down. Springing Holstein heifers mostly 800- 1300. Open heifers 75- 95....
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