We dabble in buying and selling houses. It sure is a lot easier to sell properties right now than it is to buy. Call me if you know one for sale not listed on MLS. Any condition.
Top dairy cows today 1800, 1800, 1700 Barry Richardson, Milladore. Many good cows sold 1100- 1600. Plain, older or blemished cows 1000- market.
Springing Holstein heifers mostly 850- 1300NT. Open Holstein heifers 70- 95NT. Single birth Holstein heifer calves 15- 65 per head.
Breeding bulls 675- 1525. Market bulls 80- 89.
Choice Holstein steers 102- 108. Cross breds up to 1.11.
Sold 88 market cows. Market lower. 22% sold 52.50- 67.50. 50% sold 42- 52.
Hay market continues relatively strong. Second crop grass/ clover mix large squares 75- 77.50. First crop rounds and squares 40- 55.
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