Big enough to make a difference, small enough to care!!
Sunday night into Monday it snowed here.
A lot.
Some of the older children got to reminiscing… they wonder how it would be to have a snow day from school.
Apparently the first 15 years or so we had scholars we did not have one single snow day at Sunny Ridge School!
Not sure if it’s climate change, or people change, or some of each but this year alone we’ve had three weather cancellations.
Once again, we had high quality cows on our aAa sale. 3000, 2700 Jonathan Horst, Loyal. 2850, 2800, 2550, 2500, 2400 Colby. 2750, 2650, 2400, 2400 Lamar Weaver, Unity. 2650 Leroy W Nolt, Thorp. 2500 Michael Martin, Colby. 2450 Edward Horning, Stanley. Many good cows 1500- 2300.
Springing Holstein heifers 1400- 1850. Opens 101-125NT. Single birth Holstein heifer calves 65-120/hd.
Breeding bulls 1400- 1750. Market bulls 104- 121. Top 1870 Holstein @ 122.50. consigned by Rueben Kuhns, Granton.
Choice Holstein steers 142-148. Beef cross 154- 165.
Holstein feeder steers 120-170. Crossbreds up to 227.50. 2 black steers 460 lbs. @ 227.50. 7 Black steers 654 lbs @ 213. 12 Black heifers 602 lbs. @ 190.
Holstein bull calves 120- 275. Top in Thorp Wednesday 300. Crossbred bull and heifer calves 350-485, top 500 Laverne Lepak, Custer.
20% of market cows sold 104.50- 113. 50% sold 78-104.
3x3x8 Alfalfa 80-110. Rounds and squares grass 40- 80 top 87.50. Baleage 50-85. 3x4x8 wheat straw 80-90.
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